

Filmmaker Lee Hirsch rips your heart out in, “Bully,” a documentary that gives an unflinching look into the lives of five families affected by bullying and the harrowing reality of its influence on children across the United States.

Character driven, the documentary focuses on 12 year-old Alex and captures the daily spoonful of harassment he receives on the bus ride to school every day to East Middle School in Sioux City. Through the eyes of Alex, Hirsch makes it personal, proving his point with heart wrenching honesty.

A good documentary can prove a point clearly, but “Bully” fuels a social campaign to address the thirteen million kids bullied a year, making it not only a great documentary but a catalyst for change.

Every school should screen it and every kid should see it.

Blu-ray Details/Extras : The Blu-Ray DVD comes loaded with special features including updates on the kids involved with the documentary and ways to get communities and schools involved in the “Bully” movement:

Deleted Scenes: Worth looking at, as it provides a more in-depth look at some of the personalities of the kids featured in the film.

Bully Project at Work: This feature tells the story of how the “Bully’ documentary began and how Taylor Middle School got involved.

Alex after “Bully”: Catches up with Alex, years later in high school and how his life has changed since the documentary.

Alex Character Sketch: Alex’s introduction in the documentary

Alex Raps: Alex raps with Sean Kingston at the No Bull Teen Video Awards.

Kelby’s Original Sketch: Kelby’s original sketch introduction in the documentary.

Meryl Streep on Bullying: This is a talk Meryl Streep gave at the Paley Media Center about her experience with bullying and her reaction to the documentary.

Communities in Motion: Explores a five year study done at West High School and the improvements that can be made through educating students on bullying and providing a mentor program.

Sioux City after “Bully”: A look into Sioux City schools after the documentary, the changes made and the group “For Our Youth.”

Good Morning America: Katie Couric interviews Alex, his mother, Lee Hersch and David Long about the affects of bullying and the “Bully” movement.

Kevin Jennings an Advocates Perspective: Sponsored message from Kevin Jennings on different courses parents should take to protect their children.

We are Daneil Cui: A cute facebook story of classmates sticking up for high school soccer goalie Daniel Cui.

“Bully” the Book: Information on the book available for purchase.

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