
Direct-to-DVD Grind House spin-off planned

Starring Danny Trejo as Machete

Direct-to-DVD sequels are such a big biz these days – I shudder to think whether my kids will even know what a theatre is – that even big name filmmakers want in on the small screen premiere action.

Cinemablend reports that at the SXSW Festival, “Grind House” director (well, one of the directors) Robert Rodriguez announced that he’s planning a DTV sequel to the film . . . based upon the character of ‘Machete’ (Danny Trejo), a character that doesn’t so much appear in the film [s] as he does in one of the fake trailers created for the movie.

“If you’ve seen any of the kickass trailers for Grindhouse, then you’ve seen Trejo as Machete, a bad ass dude with, well, two machetes”, says the site. “He is doing a Machete spin-off movie, and it’s likely going to be direct to DVD. Rodriguez seemed pretty adamant about this, as if the film is already a done deal.”

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