
Domnhall Gleeson’s character in Star Wars is..

While we know who most of the “Star Wars : The Force Awakens” cast are playing in the film, there’s still one actor whose role is shrouded in mystery. Domhnall Gleeson, the red-haired romantic lead of “About Time”, was at one stage rumoured to be playing ‘son of Skywalker’ – but nothing was ever confirmed. The rumour has emerged again this week, by MakingStarWars, who’ve allegedly gotten a stout rundown on the film’s story and where Skywalker Jr fits in.


Something is going on with this story because in the last week I’ve heard Domhnall Gleeson is Luke Skywalker’s son four times. Four times. Four different sources, three really trusted and one new but apparently on the money for most things. Four different spheres of development without much chance of overlap between the sources. So either Gleeson is the son of Skywalker in The Force Awakens or someone prominent in the production is spreading misinformation (which I doubt).

I factually know that Gleeson is an Imperial in the film tasked with sending Chrome Stormtroopers after Finn. He strikes me as Padmé playing Admiral Piett, if you get my drift (especially if yesterday’s rumors are correct). He reports to the villains in the film and even helps them hunt Finn.

Apparently, Gleeson’s character is playing both sides to disarm the galaxy of its super weapons held by both sides which “should not be allowed to exist according to his internal moral compass.” But it appears he might do some bad things in the name of the greater good over the course of the film. I’ve wondered if this is an extrapolation of Lawrence Kasdan’s idea that Luke Skywalker would turn “evil” in Return of the Jedi and use one Death Star to destroy the others and Coruscant (Had Abbadon), killing the Emperor and the heads of the Empire.

According to the site, the young Skywalker began his mission before his father went missing.

When he succeeds in ending the Intergalactic Cold War by stopping the weapons of galaxy wide destruction he doesn’t anticipate the immediate consequences. The cost? He opens up a new front and the war turns hot as there is nothing to keep the peace with mutually assured destruction no longer on the table.

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