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Trailer : The Family

Quite a few new visual sneakies have hit the W’s today- but this is only one I can find that doesn’t involve jello shots being sucked off cream-doused bosoms.

This new Red Band trailer for Luc Besson’s all-star gangster-movie mockery “The Family” plays, much like the clean-version, quite good. I gotta be honest here, with Bob De Niro seemingly anyone’s for the right price, I didn’t expect much from this action-comedy – but it looks quite good. The fact that Michelle Pfeiffer – starting to look her age, but still a goddess – and Tommy Lee Jones – usually on quality assurance detail – are backing De Niro up, shoots a sunny rainbow over any gloomy preconception I may have had about it.

Still, I won’t go running down the street, nude, singing the film’s praises until I see the thing. Someone once told me trailers can mislead. I’ll always remember that.

Casting : Page, Thornton, Heard, Sturgess, James, Page

Trailer : Plush