
Watch Spider-Man : Homecoming and Baywatch teasers

Ahead of their trailer launches later this week, the hombres behind “Spider-Man : Homecoming” and “Baywatch” have released teasers for both. Both, though brief, are fabulous – the latter is as hammy as hell, but looks hilarious, while the new ‘Spidey’ flick seems to also have it’s tongue planted firmly in cheek (as opposed to the uber serious tone of the previous “Spider-Man” movies), suggesting we’re in for just a rollicking good time there.

The “Spider-Man” entry is first, followed by two “Baywatch” teasers – which premiered on the stars’ social accounts.

I’ll be back with the full trailers as soon as they hit.

Trailer : Fifty Shades Darker

Netflix have discovered something interesting about us!