
When will we see the next Star Wars trailer!?

Your first look at an aged Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Princess Leia might is only a few weeks away.

Verbal vomit has it that the second “Star Wars : The Force Awakens” trailer – which apparently includes glimpses of the original trio – will screen before “Avengers : Age of Ultron” in April. Stark and Skywalker, together at last. But those heading to Star Wars Celebration on April 16-19, will be able to preview it over that excitement-bursting weekend – way to sell more tickets, Dis.

As for when it’ll be released online? Well, you can pretty much expect a horrible bootlegged version to hit shortly after it plays at the SW Celebration – and that might push Disney to put it on the InterWeb sooner – but that nifty iTunes release likely won’t be until the day ”The Avengers” sequel hits the multiplex.

Via ‘Collider

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Trailer : Masterminds