
Clint's Review : Spider-Man 2

Not since “The Empire Strikes Back” or “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”, has a sequel been so darn satisfying. From the eye-popping action sequences to the scrupulously impressive cast (Maguire, Dunst and Molina are fantastic, and J.K Simmons is again a highlight as Daily Bugle newspaper editor J.Jonah Jameson), everything here works as well as it did first time around. Not for a minute does Raimi’s film feel like a rehash, if anything, with its exhaustive plot and welcome twists, it feels fresher than hour-old rye bread. The man has crafted one of the best adaptations of a comic-book series to date and his zest and enthusiasm for the character melts from the screen. Films don’t come any better. [Full Review]

Clints Bits – 24/6/04

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