
Mickey Rourke returning for Expendables 3

A series of recent tweets from Sylvester Stallone (thanks to AB King for sending these over!) suggest Mickey Rourke’s back for “Expendables 3”, and that the film – which will shoot in Asia or Eastern Europe – will be along the lines of “The Raid”.

Here are Sly’s recent tweets :

@TheSlyStallone: Scouting eastern Europe and Asia …we are going all out on this one … Could be a big surprise!!

@TheSlyStallone: What’s the plan? Ask Jackie Chan….

@TheSlyStallone: Thinking about Raiding, THE RAID….think about it…

@TheSlyStallone: We believe we can do better than the RAID, which was an excellent film… Raising the bar…

@TheSlyStallone: Mighty Mickey is back…………

@TheSlyStallone: Talked to WESLEY today … He can not WAIT to fight to the top again !!!!!!! Over…

Sounds like the guys are going to be battling some kind of bad guy who lives in a high-rise? a’la “Dredd” and “The Raid”? Guessing Snipes isn’t the villain..

Sequel News : Iron Sky, Captain America, Trainspotting, Dredd, After Earth, ID4, Pineapple Express, ABCs of Death

‘The East’ Review : Good, but a little late for it’s time