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WTF : Mouse nabs SEAL Team 6 rights?

Katie here….bringing you yet another glorious vent session.

This week, FishbowlNY dished the dirt on Disney, exposing the company for some dirty deeds. Dirty Indeed.

According to the source, Disney submitted trademark applications in early May to claim the rights to “SEAL Team 6,” the name given to the elite government team that took down Osama Bin Laden, the applications included ‘‘entertainment and education services, toys, games and playthings” and clothing, footwear and headwear.’’

Although the legalities (pretty sure the government owns the rights on phrases such as: “CIA,” “Army” etc.) of this little stunt has yet to be seen, the attempt is still there in plain view.

…this is sick, this is wrong, this is bullshit.

Why? Because they’re trying to cash in and everyone knows it.

Wasn’t there a single brain cell present when this little asshole of an idea came up at some bullshit board meeting?

The sad thing is, I love Disney flicks, I love the child-like magic I feel whenever I watch them and I have since I was little, wee bit of a thing. I’ve also been a proud owner of a Disneyland annual pass since I was eleven. And truthfully, this killed it a little for me, not because I’m naïve (they are in the business of making money) but because this blatant lack of dignity goes above and beyond.  

I wonder what  Walt Disney would  have to say about this?

The Flintstones returning to TV! It’ll be a gay old time!

Quick News – Green Lantern 2, Arabian Knights, Dracula 3D, Mortal Instruments