
Win Osama Bin Laden Goodies

Moviehole has a bunch (technical term, look it up) of tickets up for grabs to see Morgan Spurlock’s new film ”Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden”? (and if you don’t know, you obviously haven’t been to the customer service desk of Target for a while).

The Icon release features Oscar nominated filmmaker Morgan Spurlock as he takes on a franchise even more lethal than McDonald’s—Al Qaeda. And after this real life action thriller is over, the world may never be the same.

With no military experience, knowledge or expertise, Morgan Spurlock sets off to do what the CIA, FBI and U.S. military have all failed to do: find the world’s most wanted man. Why take on such a seemingly impossible mission? Simple—he wants to make the world safe for his soon to be born child. But before he finds bin Laden, he first needs to learn where he came from and the environment and influences that shaped him.

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