A Pink Panther sequel announced

But will it be “A Shot in the Dark”?

Haven’t seen the film yet, so I’ll reserve judgment till then, but according to IESB.net, MGM have already decided to push ahead with a second “Pink Panther” movie.

No doubt Steve Martin will be back, as he’s expressed his willingness to continue the character in the mass of interviews he has done of late. (And with that other cash cow of a franchise, “Cheaper by the Dozen”, winding up – apparently they just can’t make deals with the youngsters of the series, who are all too well-known now, so they’ve abandoned plans for a third instalment – he’s beseeching a good franchise to lasso himself to).

Not that this sequel will be following the same storyline – I’m guessing – but the first sequel in the original series was “A Shot in the Dark”. In it, Clouseau (Peter Sellers) is on the hunt for a killer, but much to the dismay of his boss, won’t consider for a moment that the prime suspect, the beautiful maid Maria, could be involved.

“Dark” was one of the bright spots of the original franchise, so it wouldn’t hurt for them to consider ‘borrowing’ some of it’s elements for the sequel redo. But many, I’m sure, would just rather the studio left the bumbling French dick alone.

Exclusive Interview : Tom Amandes

Gossip Monkey – 9/3/06