Amanda Seyfried to play infamous porn star Linda Lovelace

Amanda Seyfried is reportedly in talks to play Linda Lovelace in the upcoming drama “Lovelace”, about her life as a porn star.

Variety says she’s talking Benjamins at the moment. Lovelace, of course, is the star of adult film “Deep Throat” back in the ’70s.

She’ll be joined by Peter Sarsgaard (“Green Lantern”) as her filmmaker husband Chuck Traynor, who she later became estranged from and took to court.

Lovelace claimed Traynor had forced her to take part in pornography by holding a gun to her head, and was violent towards her- she then became a famous anti-porn campaigner saying her time in the adult film business had ruined her life.

The film will be directed by Rob Epstein and Jeffrey Friedman, who also were at the helm for the James Franco flick “Howl” and the documentary “The Times of Harvey Milk”.

There’s been a couple of other Lovelace films bubbling away – namely one with Malin Akerman.

While some will like the idea of a biopic, others will prefer the type of films Lovelace starred in. Things have come a long way since the 70s. See for yourself and check out this website for VR porn.

What do you think about the casting of Amanda Seyfried? Is this going to shock audiences?

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