Author gives sequel her blessing

Anne Hathaway. What a looker. I tell you if I wasn’t too old, about to be married, and well…ok, out of the question. Bottom line : Nice looking girl, cute little actress. Her first major film, "The Princess Diaries" was quite cute, and now they’re doing a sequel.

Author of the first book – not the sequel film – Meg Cabot dropped by Moviehole to let us know that she’s read the script and has given it the thumbs up.

"It’s cute–has all the same zany charm as the first film. In it, new college grad Mia goes back to Genovia for the first since her trip at the end of the last film, and gets a nasty surprise from the sexist Genovian parliament—she has 30 days to find a suitable royal husband, or the crown will go to the next (male) heir in line to the throne! In the end, Mia has to choose between her heart or the throne.

Chris Pine, a newcomer, plays Lord Nicholas, and Callum Blue from Dead Like Me plays Lord Andrew."

More news on the sequel as it comes to hand.

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