Axed : Batwoman, Legends of Tomorrow, Space Force

Three bite the dust in TV land.

The CW/Netflix

The CW has cancelled two of it’s superhero offerings, “Batwoman” and “Legends of Tomorrow”, while Netflix is pulling “Space Force” after just two seasons.

“This has been the journey of a lifetime for all of us. The little show that wasn’t supposed to be, grew into the show that could be anything it wanted,” the Twitter account for the show’s writers room said of “Legends”.

“We will desperately miss creating this show, but most of all we will miss getting to make it together and sharing it with you. Legends Never Die!”

Fellow CW series “Batwoman” was also cancelled after three seasons.

“Just got the sad news that Batwoman will not be seeing [season four],” showrunner Caroline Dries posted on Twitter. “I am bummed, but full of gratitude. What an honor to make 51 episodes.”

Netflix has opted to cancel Steve Carell and John Malkovich starrer “Space Force”, a series that did not break into the overall Nielsen streaming weekly Top 10 ranking but made a brief appearance on the streaming originals Nielsen chart.

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