Bruce Campbell’s Ash returning for animated Evil Dead project?

The star of Evil Dead 1 & 2, Army of Darkness and “Ash vs. Evil Dead”

While he may have retired from the role on a larger scale, Bruce Campbell might be lending his non-fleshy self to a future Evil Dead project that will likely be the talk of the horror community over the coming weeks.

The star of Evil Dead 1 & 2, Army of Darkness and “Ash vs. Evil Dead” tells Bloody Disgusting he’s involved in a new animated Evil Dead project that, he adds, he’ll voice chainsaw-wielding ‘Ash’- the character he played in the aforementioned films – in.

“All I can say is we’re actively pursuing it. Sam’s a busy guy. He had a big hit movie, so he’s got a lot on his plate, but he and his brother are actively shaping out the world. It’s one thing to get an animator and say, ‘Hey, animate this!’ You’ve got to know what you’re going to animate… I look forward to it because my voice hasn’t aged as much as I have.”

Campbell, a producer on Evil Dead Rise (opening in April), had previously lent his lungs to voice Ash in a recently-released Evil Dead video game.

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