Collier Reloaded

Pa Kent is back behind the Wheel!

John Schneider is planning a sequel to his indy car-racing flick “Collier & Co”.

‘’Collier & Company 2: High Octane’’, now in pre-production, fixes on former race car driver, J.R. Collier (Schneider), who has finally gotten everything he wants. His family is back together, his business is booming, and he’s got one sweet ride. That is, however, until Fanning commissions Tex and Shorty to ruin things and steal Traveler away, by challenging J.R. to a chase he can’t win. It’s up to the Colliers and their friends to save the day, at whatever cost.

Schneider again directs the film, with Rex Smith, Elly Castle and Phil Redrow among the cast.

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