Comic Con : Twilight : Breaking Dawn Part 2 Panel

The “Twilight : Breaking Dawn Part 2” panel, easily the most popular and beseeched panel at San Diego Comic Con (judging by the number of people sleeping out in line, on the streets, for it over the past few days here), is – like a foolish Cullen – done and dusted.
The panel got off to a sombre but admirable start, paying respect to the young fan who lost her wife crossing the road a couple of days back. A minute’s silence was held in the woman’s honour. How honoured she would have been, I imagine. Lovely.

Here are the notes I made at the panel :

• Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson arrive on stage following the minute of silence
• Mackenzie Foy, who plays Edward and Bella’s daughter, enters. She’s delightful. Very cute.
• The first seven minutes of the film are shown – picks up right where the last one left off. Bella is instantly aware that she’s now ‘different’ – she senses everything around her. Edward says she needs to get her strength, so she is taken out hunting (she glides over waterfalls). She eyes off a deer, but also…a climber who has cut her hand. You can guess the rest.
Ultimately, Bella ends up maiming a lion, letting the deer go free. Oh, and the climber never got it, just in case you were wondering. ‘Back at the ranch’, Bella is greeted by Jacob who, immediately notices her new eyes, and asks about Renesemee (still a weird subplot if you ask me, that one – Jacob going gaga for baby Bella).
• A later clip shows the Cullens teaching Bella how to become more human.
• Stephenie Meyer says she doesn’t rule out a “Midnight Son” movie.
• Kristen gets a bit choked up when she realizes this is the last time she’ll be promoting a “Twilight” movie – let alone starring in one. “This is sad right now, to be honest.. I’m about to start crying.”
• All of the cast come on stage!

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