Could James Gunn be Nathan Fillion’s ticket into a big-time Comic Book Movie!?

James Gunn, a Troma alum who went on to write the “Scooby Doo” movies and later, the well-received remake of “Dawn of the Dead”, is in talks to direct Marvel’s big-time “Guardians of the Galaxy movie.

Though no offer has been made, Heat Vision says the “Tromeo & Juliet” scribe is investigating via a meeting whether he and Marvel would be on the same page regarding a “Galaxy” flick.

Though he’s not the only name on Marvel’s go-to list (“Down with Love” helmer Peyton Reed, and Ryan Fleck and Anna Boden of “Half Nelson” fame are also on it), Gunn isn’t someone I can see fan-boys hurtling tomatoes at when he walks out on stage at Comic-Con next year to stump the film. Aside from his writing work, he’s directed two fairly solid films in “Slither” and “Super” (films not without their problems but good efforts, nonetheless) that proved he can not only direct, but successfully blend story with special effects.

As the trade points out, Gunn’s back catalog isn’t that dissimilar to that of “Avengers” head-honcho Joss Whedon.

Marvel is said to like Gunn’s sensibility and his ability to mix comedy elements with action and horror, a quality he shares with The Avengers director Joss Whedon, who, with his exclusive contract with Marvel, is now a major architect of the company’s expanding universe.

Though it mightn’t matter too much who Marvel hires to helm “Galaxy”, since “Avengers” director Joss Whedon will likely be consulting and calling many of the shots on the project (and quite a few other upcoming Marvel movies) in the same way Christopher Nolan is on DC’s “Man of Steel”, the anointment of Gunn, being an enthusiastic and well-versed member of the comic-book movie community but also a dependable name in popcorn picture-fare, would only be a plus. I think he’d make for a smart, fun choice.

“Guardians of the Galaxy” is based on characters created by Arnold Drake & Gene Colan and sees spacely heroes Star-Lord, Drax the Destroyer, Gamora, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot take on rogues like Thanos, who appeared in the end credits of “The Avengers”. .

A rumoured logline was sprinkled around the internet last week, suggesting another new main character will be introduced in the picture.

“A U.S. pilot who ends up in space in the middle of a universal conflict and goes on the run with futuristic ex-cons who have something everyone wants.”

Very cool.

There’s also a potential second win here – for fanboys. You’ll recall Gunn has cast TV fave Nathan Fillion, someone who fan-boys (heck, the actor himself has wanted ‘in’ on a superhero flick) would kill to see in a big-time superhero movie (Okay, well a “Serenity” sequel too), in both of his directorial ventures, right? Well, there’s the chance the “Castle” star might get a call again… you’d think, anyway (There’s an American hero pilot character in the script, apparently – – Nath-fit!?). Guess we’ll find out. Early days yet. And as I said, Gunn’s not even contracted to do the movie yet.

“Guardians of the Galaxy” is released August 1, 2014.


Set Visit : Kath & Kimderella