Expect more Deadwood movies, says McShane

Deadline caught up with “Deadwood” star Ian McShane at the TCAs this week who provided some intel into the upcoming HBO movie version, which airs sometime before June.

In the movie, says the actor, “Deadwood is celebrating South Dakota as a state, and Hearst has come back and Alma has come back in town, so you have all the main characters converging and how they changed in ten years. Now Hearst wants to put telegraphs in town, which isn’t going too well. Al has had a little bit too much of that over the years. There’s a surprise for Trixie and Star.”

McShane, whose Al Swearingen is the reigning fave of the drama, says shooting the movie has been completely different to shooting the series.

“This script was done, but nothing like we did before because it’s a two-hour movie, it’s a whole different thing (next) to doing an episodic,” said McShane.

At the end of the movie, you’ll be left “wondering”, said McShane. “If it makes $115M, HBO will somehow find a way to do another one.”

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