G.I Joe : Retaliation International Trailer & TV Spot

Originally due for release last year, but deferred so a 3D overlay could be applied to its canvas, Paramount’s “G.I Joe Retaliation” looks – if the trailers, TV spots and credits block are anything to go by – to be a much grander time than the rather iffy original (You had me at ‘We’re replacing Marlon Wayans with The Rock’). And even if it isn’t, well done to the marketeers for giving us that impression.
This new international trailer and TV spot reiterates the, erm, theoretical superiority of said sequel.
Opening next month, “G.I Joe : Armed with A-listers” features Channing Tatum, Dwayne Johnson, Bruce Willis, D.J Cotrona, Ray Park and ‘Tyra from Dillon’.

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