Nicolas Cage talks "Ghost Rider" delay

Nicolas Cage talked to Sci Fi Wire announcing that Columbia may settle on a script for a proposed Ghost Rider movie early in the new year. "They’re going to be done with the script after the holidays, and I think the studio’s very excited about it," Cage said in an interview.

The new script will aim for a PG-13 rating. Original writer David Goyer’s (Blade) draft was rejected for being too violent. Cage said that he was on board with that change. "The comic-book world is originally a world that was a fantasy place for children and younger people," he said. "By making it hard R, you’d alienate some of those younger people, who want to go to the movies and get lost in that world. So I can understand the argument for that."

As an actor, comic fan Cage was drawn to the film because of the hero’s philosophical dilemma. "I always thought it was interesting: the concept of a character who’s in the dilemma of making a deal with a negative force and then trying to do something positive with it," he said.

The project, based on the Marvel Comics series of the same name, originated at Dimension, but was put on hold, when Columbia picked it up.

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