One Tree Hill alum Allison Munn on new series The Big Show Show

Allison Munn, whose many small-screen credits include the likes of “One Tree Hill” and “What I Like About You”, returns to TV on Netflix’s “The Big Show Show”.

When Big Show’s teenage daughter comes to live with him, his wife, and their two daughters, The 7 foot tall, 400 pound wrestling star quickly becomes outnumbered and outsmarted.


How’s lockdown life? What are you keeping busy with during this time?

Lockdown life is going as well as can be expected. I have two kids that I’m trying to homeschool, with help from their teachers. Some days are more successful than others. Haha. We’re mostly just trying to keep the kids busy. We built a tent in our backyard and went camping one night – we grilled out and everything. That was fun.


Clearly, you’re an actress that refuses to be pigeonholed, but is there one genre you think you gravitate towards?

I really like mixing it up – every genre comes with a different set of challenges and that’s always exciting to me. Having said that, I really love the multi-camera sitcom format. We shoot live in front of a studio audience every week and it’s a blast.


“One Tree Hill” was quite the phenomenon. What are your memories of working on the show?

I have so many beautiful memories from One Tree Hill – we shot in Wilmington, NC which is close to my hometown (Columbia, SC) so I was able to spend a lot of time with my family. The cast welcomed me with open arms – we spent almost all of our downtime together. I really miss that special time in my life.


And where do you think Lauren Fletcher is today?

I think Lauren is now the principal of her school and is happily married to David (if you remember, the last time we saw her, she was pregnant with their child). Fun fact – Scott Holroyd (who played David) is my husband in real life and I was pregnant with our son Nate when we shot those scenes.


Do you think Cassy from “The Big Show Show” would get along with Lauren?

Cassy and Lauren would definitely get along. They’re both smart, strong moms who also have successful careers. They’d definitely be in a book club together.


What appealed to you about being part of this one?

I knew I wanted to be a part of The Big Show Show as soon as I read the hilarious first episode, written by Josh Bycel and Jason Berger. It’s a smart, well-written family comedy and the character of Cassy was fully-fleshed out, which is sometimes rare for the wife/mom role in a sitcom. We get to see Cassy have a full character arc outside of the house and that really impressed me.


What kind of guy is ‘Big Show’ – and how has it been working with him on the series?

Big Show is a wonderful guy and I consider him a very good friend. He’s dedicated, kind and the hardest worker I’ve ever acted with….he’s the first person at work every day and the last to leave. He just cares so much about this show and is determined to make it great. He’s also hilarious!


Can you tease one of your favorite episodes from the show that might be coming up?

In one of my favorite episodes, we see Cassy have a bit of a breakdown. She’s recently been fired for the first time in her life and she doesn’t handle it with her usual charm & grace. She spirals downhill quickly and becomes a bit of a train wreck. Her daughters then come up with a plan to give her a full makeover with the help of a secret celebrity guest-star, whose name may or may not rhyme with “Man Trance.” Haha.


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Photo Credits : Dana Patrick

“The Big Show Show” airs on Netflix

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