Plethora of Sequel News : Roger Rabbit 2, Captain America 2, Signal 2, Transformers 4, Sin City 2, Skyfall 2, Insidious 2 & More

Roger Rabbit 2

Despite the hiccups that have plagued the project since it’s inception over a decade ago, and that new issue of star Bob Hoskins announcing his retirement from acting (as a result of Parkinson’s disease), director Robert Zemeckis insists we’ll still see a sequel to “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?”.
The “Castaway” director says “I have a script at Disney, and we’re just waiting for all the executive changes to settle down there.” (Showbiz411)

Captain America : Winter Soldier

Hugo Weaving says he’s not interested in reprising Red Skull for the “Captain America” sequel – nor any future Marvel film for that matter.

“I think the tendency, with those films, would be to probably not bring a villain back. They might for The Avengers, but I didn’t think I’d be in Captain America 2 or 3. I don’t think Red Skull will be there. And it’s not something I would want to do again. I’m glad I did it. I did sign up for a number of pictures and I suppose, contractually, I would be obliged to, if they forced me to, but they wouldn’t want to force someone to do it, if they didn’t want to. I think I’ve done my dash with that sort of film. It was good to do it and try it out, but to be honest, it’s not the sort of film I seek out and really am excited by. As an actor, to do all sorts of different films is great. It stretches you in different ways. But, I increasingly like to go back to what I used to always do, which is to get involved with projects that I really have a personal affiliation with.” (Collider)

The Signal 2

David Bruckner’s got a sequel to “The Signal” in the can – in paper form anyway. “We wrote a sequel that we were very proud of, that picked up the moment that the original movie ended and actually took us back to the night the signal was first introduced, and brought some new characters into the fray, and eventually intertwined them with the characters from the first movie. So there were even more competing perspectives. We were going to really update the style of the first one. The first one was such a slapdash production, like we were really, really making that one up as we went. I think with the sequel we were very excited to do three perspectives again, but structure it in a way where they were intertwined and maybe built more momentum to a singular thread. You had maybe not as fragmented of a plot arc, but you still had the fragmentary sensation that you got from the first movie, which we thought was one of those really happy accidents that made the movie unique. I don’t know if that movie will ever exist.” (Collider)

Transformers 4

When Michael Bay announced that “Transformers 4” would essentially be a reboot, with no real ties to the original trilogy, seems he was telling the truth. Hugo Weaving says he won’t be back to voice Megatron… at this stage. (Collider)

The Woman in Black : Angel of Death

Yep, they’re doing a sequel to the Daniel Radcliffe one. Tom Harper has been hired to direct the film and says, “This will be a great opportunity for me to collaborate with a brilliantly talented team on the next installment in this exciting series.” (THR)

Untitled Skyfall Sequel

Daniel Craig and the producers of the long-running James Bond series are in agreement that there was too long a gap between “Quantum of Solace” and next month’s “Skyfall”; as a result we’ll likely get the next Bond film sooner than expected “Ask the producers. I don’t know. I think they’d like to [speed up the timetable], and I think that would be the plan. That was too long last time, although I quite enjoyed the gap, but it’s too long. As long as we’ve got the script and we’re ready to go, there’s no reason why we can’t start shooting.” (EntertainmentWise)

Insidious 2

Having watched helplessly as others tackled his “Saw” baby from his hand, and nudging it in the direction of their own teat, “Insidious” director James Wan says he’s determined to do the sequel to the 2011 flick.

“I think the sequel to Insidious is kind of my reaction to Saw, where for my own reasons I wasn’t as involved in the sequels. So I felt with Insidious that it would be good to shepherd it and keep it more in track to the version I had when I made the first film, so that it doesn’t detour too far. So yeah, I’m kind of working with Leigh on the story and the script.”

Patrick Wilson is expected to reprise his role as the male acting patriarch of the film. (Shock Till You Drop)

King Conan

Arnold Schwarzenegger is seemingly becoming more and more interested in reprising his role as Conan the Barbarian in the long-mooted “King Conan : Crown of Iron”.

Schwarzenegger says it’s in discussion.

“We’ve already had discussion about this, because it’s a project that is particularly dear to me. I must first shoot Ten with David Ayer, but then we’re going to focus on Conan. It remains to be seen who will direct and if John Milius will write the script.”

(The Sun)

Sin City 2 : A Dame to Kill For

Of Benicio Del Toro’s roster of roles, Jackie Boy from 2005′s “Sin City” would have to be one of the most memorable. You’d assume then, what with the sequel about to get underway and a release date locked in for less than twelve months away, that a Jackie Boy reprise might be on the cards?

Speaking with Del Toro, he’s just as curious to know the answer to that question. The corrupt Basin City detective is a huge part of the “Sin City” literary universe, not only appearing in the other stories but also reportedly the focus of an upcoming ‘Jack Rafferty’ spin-off book. But more so, Del Toro’s performance of the “once good cop” has made the character even more of a favourite with fans.

Yet, despite most of the “Sin City” cast – including Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba, Michael Madsen and Rosario Dawson – having been contacted by Rodriguez about reprising their roles in the upcoming sequel “Sin City : A Dame to Kill For”, Del Toro says he’s yet to get the call.

“It’s up to Robert Rodriguez”, says Del Toro, on whether he reprises Jackie Boy for “A Dame to Kill For”. “I don’t know anything about it, besides that I hear they’re doing it. So I don’t know? I really love working with Robert though.”

With production set to get underway shortly, and an October 2013 release slotted in, hopefully Rodriguez can pick up the phone soon and make that deal happen.

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