The Dark Knight Set Visit : The Bike!


We’re shown around the set of ‘The Dark Knight’ and my goodness, this is exactly what being part of the movie business is all about. This is precisely a movie-magic moment, churning the wow-factor emotion inside of me as I cast my eyes onto a street scene. I see the exterior of Arkham Asylum and wonder who the hell could be inside, as I pace around it, touching the steps and not expecting it to feel like a fibreglass material at all, but the brick touch it is meant to be. I see a bank and another building charred and burnt.

WB: This was blown up yesterday. Said my Warner pal, gesturing toward the charred exterior of another building, as I trudge my feet upon the wet concrete floor, which obviously took a hosing down after it was fired-up.

The buildings were huge and looked real enough, making the hanger look even larger still. As we walk, we swop family banter and other film work we’re both working on. I suggest various London pub haunts and she suggests I look at what I would call ‘The Bat Bike’.

Bowdrie: And when do we get to have a go on this? I ask, releasing my must do thoughts.

The designer informs that the wheels to this beast are two of the wheels from the previous ‘Batman Begins’ Bat Mobile and the rider has to lie down upon it.

Bowdrie: Has Christian ridden this?

I’m told he has had a go in a field, but it wasn’t a good idea after that. This looks like it’ll be the main vehicle Batman will be using in ‘The Dark Knight’.

Clint plays WarGames 2

Baron Cohen to play Holmes!