The Fly Resurrected

Jeff Goldblum working with Paul Schrader

Cradle-robbin’ – well, if the Nicole Ritchie rumours are true – Jeff Goldblum (“Jurassic Park”) as signed on for the title role in “Adam Resurrected,” a World War II Holocaust drama that Paul Schrader is directing for Bleiberg Entertainment, says The Hollywood Reporter.

“Resurrected” is based on the acclaimed 2000 book by Israeli novelist Yoram Kaniuk. It centers on Adam Stein, a former circus clown who was spared the gas chamber so that he might entertain thousands of Jews as they marched to their deaths. He becomes the ringleader at an asylum in the Negeve desert populated solely by Holocaust survivors and struggles to makes sense of the world.

The novel has been translated into 20 languages.

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