Want to see some designs of a humansaur from Jurassic Park 4!?

With “Jurassic Park 4” having been in development as long as Harrison Ford’ had his ear pierced, no surprise to see a few concept drawings – from one of the many incarnations of the long-gestating sequel – turning up online.

BadAssDigest points us in the direction of a Reddit user who has posted several [lets be honest here, sour-face spurring] designs from one of the abandoned versions of Spielberg’s third sequel.

Seems whoever was on script duties at the time (likely John Sayles, since it was his script that apparently featured gun-carrying dinosaurs!) thought it due time a dinosaur jumped a human’s bones. This is the result :

The good news is, these sketches are likely null and void now, with Uni recently starting again from scratching on “Jurassic Park 4” – planned to be the first in a new trilogy.

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