Warm Bodies

Thanks to Icon, Moviehole has 10 double in-season passes to see the film, along with 10 “Warm Bodies” T-Shirts up for grabs!

R (Nicholas Hoult), is a young man facing the existential crisis that comes with being a zombie. Grunting his way through a post-apocalyptic world with the mindless hunger that plagues the undead, he is full of wonder and longing for the time that must have gone before.

When the memories in one of his victim’s brains affect him, he finds himself falling in love with the dead boy’s girlfriend. Julie (Australia’s own Teresa Palmer) is a blast of colour in the dreary landscape that is the “life” of the un-living. Their tense, awkward and strangely sweet relationship develops into something that will not only transform R but his fellow zombies and possibly their entire lifeless world.

WARM BODIES introduces the Romantic Zomedy and proves that love makes us all human

How to Win
1. Click LIKE or SHARE (if you haven’t already) on this page!
2. Watch the following clip from “Warm Bodies” and tell us two things that ‘R’ says he doesn’t remember.

2. Send your answer to the above question PLUS your name and address to this email addy

Entries Close April 10


We chat to Danny Boyle at the Academy Screening of Shallow Grave