
007 trips up!

Here’s a bit of fun..

As good as “Quantum of Solace”, the new Jimmy Bond flick, is, its still riddled with gaffes.

A lot of eagle-eyed fans have submitted over 20 flaws to website, already making it the 5th most mistake-ridden movie of 2008 despite having been on release for only a short time.

The errors range from continuity mistakes like clothes changing appearance, to factual errors such as confusing an Embassy and a Consulate. The site’s managed by UK movie buff Jon Sandys, who says the mistakes didn’t affect his enjoyment of the movie: “Most movie-goers, myself included, probably wouldn’t notice these the first time around due to being caught up in the action. But on a second viewing, or if it’s a factual error related to something you know a lot about, they can be surprisingly obvious.”

A few examples are below:

In the rooftop chase between Bond and Mitchell, it is obvious that both characters are wearing black running shoes, whereas before the chase started both were wearing smart black suit shoes.

In the DC3 sequence, Bond lowers the undercarriage in one shot, but in the next shot the undercarriage is up again.

During the film, Bond flies to the airport in Bregenz, Austria. There is no airport in Bregenz.

When Bond is talking to Mathis at a table at the cottage in Italy, Mathis’ watch faces the side of his wrist, to be easily seen on camera. Then in the next shot it suddenly faces the outside of his wrist like watches are usually worn.

The full list can be found at

NB : “Apocalypse Now” apparently has the most stuff-ups of any movie, according to the aforelinked site.

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