
Amazing Spider-Man 2 spoiler : Who wears the Green Goblin costume?

Don’t read on if you want to be actually surprised by something in 2014’s “Amazing Spider-Man 2”! (and let’s be honest here, the words ‘surprise’ and ‘Spider-Man’ don’t pop up too often in a sentence – heck, the words ‘movie’ and ‘surprise’ don’t often go hand-in-hand these days either, considering that little thing called ‘the internet’ – so maybe do look away now?!)

You’ve been warned!

According to MovieWeb, the identity of who will actually be wearing ‘The Green Goblin’ costume in the upcoming sequel – you’ll recall that both Norman and Harry Osborn wore the outfit in the Sam Raimi “Spider-Man” films – has been revealed.

As stated above, our source was on set the last day of outside filming on this sequel, and can confirm that Harry Osborn is Green Goblin. This iteration of the mythos finds Dane DeHaan suiting up as the glider riding genetically altered supervillain during the climax of the film, which will take place at an Oscorp Power Planet. Electro calls the Oscorp Power Planet home in this sequel, and it serves as the source of his great electrically charged super powers. This will be the sight of Gwen’s undoing, but as we’ve reported in the past, what looks to be the iconic death as seen in the comic book will actually be a fake out, with her actual demise coming later in the series. The film will also contain a post-credit stinger, known as a ‘mini-movie’, which will lead directly into The Amazing Spider-Man 3. Its not clear at this time who will be included in this scene, or what it will consist of.

So, there you go, director Marc Webb is seemingly skipping on the Norman Osborn incarnation of ‘Green Goblin’ and going straight into Harry’s arc. Guess it’s his way of trying to differentiate his “Spider-Man” series from the earlier films?

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