
Anchorman 2 fastly approaching?

Seems the wheels-are-a-turning on that oft-mentioned “Anchorman” sequel.

Last time he was in the country (promoting “Step Brothers”), Will Ferrell told Moviehole he was ‘considering’ doing a sequel to the reporter spoof (something you never wanna get on ya – ask Pat O’Brien’s dates) “Anchorman” – pending script and, er, mustache approval.

This week, Ferrell’s back in the country (not that we’d know it had I not installed one of those funky ‘wireless’ devices in my car dash – we unfortunately didn’t get to catch up with ol jolly’ pal! I’m sure he’s as bummed as we are) promoting “Land of the Lost”, and the most common question he’s been asked (besides “Why?” in regards to the ”Lost” redo) is whether or not there’s any movement on the “Anchorman” sequel.

Well, seems there is. Ferrell told radio’s Jono & Dano this morning that everyone “is meeting next week” to discuss the film. Ferrell joked that the meeting’s mainly to suss out whether or not Paul Rudd and Steve Carell are prepared to take pay cuts, because he sure isn’t. Either way, they’re meeting next week to finalize everything.

Sounds like it’s all coming together – and a trade announcement is only around the corner. Ron Burgundy could back on the air within the next year or two.

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