
Apocalypse wow: Top 8 Post-Apocalyptic Films

The demise of the human population has been detailed time and time again through various films, all with a different method for the end of the world. With 10 Cloverfield Lane hot on our tails, being released today, March 10, we take a look at the top 8 post-apocalyptic films that really make you think. 


Among one of the most successful found-footage horror/sci-fi’s of all time, Cloverfield was an instant cult classic. Like most of J.J. Abram’s films, Cloverfield plays on the mystery of the unseen threat… that is of course before a gigantic monster attacks New York City. It was insanely successful in the box office, breaking records for making over $40 mill in a January release, but solidified its spot in history with its viral marketing campaign. You can catch Cloverfield’s highly anticipated “blood relative” 10 Cloverfield Lane in cinemas across Australia on March 10.

MadMaxMad Max: Fury Road​

The visual spectacular that is George Miller’s Australian post-apocalyptic vision, Mad Max: Fury Road, is a must-see film for its portrayal of survival. When water and gasoline are the biggest commodities, what are a bunch of steam-punk, feminist, fire-guitar-weadling road warriors to do? That is apart from winning six Oscars, of course.


Three men — a writer seeking inspiration, a scientist seeking discovery, and their guide, known as the Stalker — traverse the dangerous and forbidden Zone, an area of the ruined planet that is said to fulfill every person’s innermost desires. This film brings together sci-fi aliens and apocalyptic nihilism to make the viewer question philosophy, love and beauty. In true Tarkovsky style you can expect beautiful, long takes with a deep look into the human consciousness.

Day-After-TomorrowThe Day After Tomorrow​

The end of the world is famously depicted as a plunge into a new Ice Age, as Denis Quade tries desperately to find his son amongst it all. With 80% of the film created using CGI, bagging Director Roland Emmerich a BAFTA Award, the visual effects are a strong reason to watch the film and ignore the “lousy science”.

childrenofmenChildren of Men​

Children of Men explores the slowest cause for the end of mankind: global infertility. The year is 2027 and the past two decades of a world without children have driven many to suicide and many others to waiting to die. It’s bleak to say the least until Clive Owen uncovers hope when smuggling a refugee across the border. The film reached critical success for its innovative single-shot sequences which dazzle the audience and provoke thought in its portrayal of struggle for societal survival.

i-am-legend-will-smithI Am Legend​

You know the world is a cruel place when the cure for cancer actually leads to a global zombie nightmare where Will Smith and his canine companion seem to be the only survivors. I Am Legend is a post-apocalyptic zombie flick unlike any other with the undead themselves creating the difference. The predatory, smart hunters which only come out at night (and look terrifying) won over audiences, causing the must-see film to be a hit in cinemas with the largest ever box office for a non-Christmas release in the US. Not to mention one of the best advertisements for ‘dog is man’s best friend’ ever.

28-days-later28 Days Later​

The masterpiece that is 28 Days Later was a winning film even before the zombies entered the screen. The starting runtime shows the protagonist wandering around the deserted streets of London after waking from a coma, showing large and unsettling shots with a chillingly calm and dreadful silence. The grungy filming style just adds to the growing fear of what will become a full-blown nightmare.

matrixThe Matrix​

A computer hacker learns from mysterious rebels about the true nature of his reality and his role in the war against its controllers. The Matrix was a genius sci-fi and blew the mind of its audience back in 1999 when we were all scared of technology turning on us. The film was ultimately a lot of fun and the fight scenes legendary – did anyone notice the sneaky Sydney setting?

10 Cloverfield Lane

Trailer: Chasing Asylum