Batman finds a Cave

Batman On Film received word that a filming locale has been chosen for the Batcave.

“Tilbury Fort in Essex is being used for filming the Bat-Cave and the airship hangar at Cardington in Bedfordshire is being used for the Gotham City filming. These are the airship hangars where the R100 and the R101 flew from in the 1930’s”, says the scooper.

The site also states that Warner Brothers are already planning a sequel and have slotted it in for a 2008 release.

In other comic to film news, Superhero Hype reports that the villain “Elektra” will be Typhoid Mary. Gary Foster, who with co-producer Avi Arad helped choose the supervillain, tells USA Today, "Typhoid Mary is a psychotic. By day she’s this normal woman, and at night she loses her mind and drives you into this disease, where you literally get typhoid."

And again in comic to flick goss, Comics Continuum hears that a “Hellboy 2” is in the works.

"Mike and I, when we were in Prague, we said, ‘Well, what if that happens?,’" the site reports Guillermo del Toro saying at last weekend’s Wizard World Los Angeles. "Of course, we would need to come up with a good story, some good ideas. ‘What about moving this over here and doing that?’ Five minutes later, we were like, ‘And, and, and…and… "So we would be delighted. We would have floating heads in a jar. Lobster Johnson. Whatever madness we can do."

"Looking at the movie the other night, Guillermo came to me and said, ‘Well, we have to make the second one crazier,’" Mike Mignola said. "That’s raising the bar right there. The one that’s out there right now is pretty darn crazy. But I think he can do it."

Ermey back for Texas Chainsaw prequel

Clints Bits – 30/3/04