
Bay in a Million Little Pieces

“Smallville” co-creators Al Gough and Miles Millar are writing what could be ‘A Michael Bay Film’.

“I Am Number 4,” the novel co-written by “A Million Little Pieces” author James Frey and Jobie Hughes, has been picked by up Bay’s production company, with the “Transformers” helmer reportedly considering it as a directing assignment, says Variety.

Wikipedia says “A Million Little Pieces” is, “a controversial memoir by James Frey. It tells the story of a 23-year-old alcoholic and drug abuser and how he copes with rehabilitation in a Twelve Steps-oriented treatment center.”

Interestingly enough, the book has been in the news for reasons other than review purposes. After an extensive investigation, The Smoking Gun website reportedly published an article on January 8, 2006 called “A Million Little Lies”. It told how Frey’s account of his drug abuse experiences, life and criminal record were all bullshit.

Says the report, ‘’Police reports, court records, interviews with law enforcement personnel, and other sources have put the lie to many key sections of Frey’s book. The 36-year-old author, these documents and interviews show, wholly fabricated or wildly embellished details of his purported criminal career, jail terms, and status as an outlaw “wanted in three states.”’’

Interesting… but since when has a bit of PR ever hurt a film, eh?

Aside from the CW’s “Smallville”, Gough and Millar have written such features as “The Mummy : Tomb of the Dragon Emperor” and “Shanghai Knights”.

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