
Bourne in the Hood

One-time ‘director to watch’ (these days, sadly, simply a ‘Director to avoid’) John Singleton (“Boyz N’ The Hood”, “2 Fast 2 Furious”, “Shaft”) will direct Taylor Lautner in the “Bourne Identity”-style actioner, “Abduction”.

The script, about a youngster who discovers some disturbing secrets about his parents, scored scribe Shawn Christensen a sumly $1 million when Lionsgate jumped on it in February.

Does that mean it’s any good?

Personally, not so much. Well, look, I thought it was fun – in a ‘I can see myself enjoying watching the events roll out, but forgetting everything about it once I leave the cinema’ sense – but if Singleton wanted to win the critics – let alone the fans who’ve been following him since “Boyz” – he could surely plonk himself on something a little more substantial than this!? More so, I think I enjoyed the story better when it was released under the title “Little Nikita”.

Tracy Morgan and Al Pacino!?

Animal Kingdom