
Brosnan offers Topkapi update

While it’s been on the cards for years, and most would assume it’s gone the way, of, say, Baz Luhrmann’s “Alexander the Great” project or Terry Gilliam’s “Don Quixote”, Pierce Brosnan tells Moviehole that he’s still plugging away on trying get a sequel to “The Thomas Crown Affair” up. And if it doesn’t happen this year, the former James Bond’s prepared to walk from the project.

”We are full steam ahead”, Brosnan says of “Topkapi”. ”Full steam ahead. If we do not have it by this year, then we shall just say we gave a best effort. But Mary Parent is a magnificent supporter of the piece. Mr. Paul Verhoeven is still with us as a director and we have great executives over there at MGM now, who are passionate to make this film. So, we have a fabulous writer.”

Brosnan told Moviehole last year that his plan is to rejig the old Peter Ustinov movie “Topkapi Affair” to fit the template of a “Thomas Crown 2”.

“(Topkapi) is much loved by people who love that genre of film, and it has a sentimental resonance to it. So we just took Thomas Crown off the shelf, kind of dusted it off, and took Topkapi, which is much loved, and is also in the cannon of the MGM library, so it didn’t cost us anything. This version of Topkapi will have a different part, different woman, and different affair… and we’re using wonderful locations.”

Moviehole Mailbag – 21/1/09

Exclusive Interview : Pierce Brosnan