

Thanks to Icon films, Moviehole has 5 “Buried” Packs to Giveaway.

The prizes consist of

1 x Buried t-shirt
1 x Buried 1GB USB memory stick
1 x Buried inseason double-pass
(Valued at $90 each)

Paul Conroy is not ready to die.

But when he wakes up 6 feet underground with no idea of who put him there or why, life for the truck driver and family man instantly becomes a hellish struggle for survival. Buried with only a cell phone and a lighter, his contact with the outside world and ability to piece together clues that could help him discover his location are maddeningly limited. Poor reception, a rapidly draining battery, and a dwindling oxygen supply become his worst enemies in a tightly confined race against time- fighting panic, despair and delirium, Paul has only 90 minutes to be rescued before his worst nightmare comes true.

The film stars Ryan Reynolds (“X-Men Origins : Wolverine”, “The Green Lantern”).

How to Win : Fill out your details below, and tell us “Which film featured a truck driver with the callsign ‘Rusty Nail’?

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