Caffeinated Clint’s Top 10 films of 2019

It was difficult to surmise the best films of 2019 because despite most of the recent tentpole blockbusters failing to impress where cinema has really come back around is in the realm of the incredible character dramas and return hits from the greats – like Scorsese, Tarantino, Mendes and. While some execs pour dollar after dollar into black hole franchises like “X-Men” and “Godzilla”, or whatever the latest film trend is (in 2019’s case, the ‘Stephen King adaptation’ or ‘tardy sequel’), the industry’s few risk takers and visionaries seem determined to simply make the best content possible. When it comes to producing original solid content, Netflix is undoubtedly the reining the champ of 2019, what with “Dolemite is My Name”, “The Irishman” and “Marriage Story” on their docket, but points also to Universal and Sony for continuing to believe films like “1917” and “Once Upon A Time in Hollywood” can hold their own against seductive fare like the latest “Star Wars” or “Avengers”. While most of them are still bonza films, I think some fatigue has set in when it comes to superhero fare, and there’s definitely been waned interest in sequels and reboots this year – with everything from “Doctor Sleep” to “It Chapter Two”, “Terminator : Dark Fate”, “Black Christmas”, “X Men : Dark Phoenix” and “Hellboy” failing to put bums on seats.
You’ll notice most of the films on my Top Ten list are all linked by a common thread – they’re simply solid stories with great performances that – for the most part – entertain as well as educate; as any good film should.

If I could squeeze one more film into this 10, it would be “Dolemite is my Name” – – one of the most entertaining and refreshing films of the year; it’s pure joy. Put that down at 10.5.

Without further ado, my favourite films of the year :

10. Alita Battle Angel

9. Ad Astra

8. Joker

7. Uncut Gems

6. Marriage Story

5. Doctor Sleep

4. Little Women

3. Once Upon A Time in Hollywood

2. The Irishman

1. 1917

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