
Cameos not Expendable

Here’s what we know so far about the big Arnold Schwarzenegger-Sylvester Stallone-Bruce Willis scene in “The Expendables” (the ultra-pricey Stallone written/directed/starring action downpour that’s nearing its close) : Those three guys are in it. And… well… that’s about it. Maybe one of them will be puffing away on a Cuban cigar? Maybe someone will have bigger muscles than the other? And it’s quite possible one of the three might have man boobs. In other words – we know nothing.

The publicist for the film just twittered (as she does occasionally) that she’s ‘’read the pages for the scene with Sly, Bruce and Arnold and while I can’t share the contents I can tell you it is 4 pages long and Arnold has dialogue in all but 2 scenes. It has not been shot yet – still waiting for the stars to align themselves!!! everyone’s busy. But it will be soon. As soon as cameras roll I will be tweeting!!’’’.

Earlier Twitterings on the unit publicist’s page suggest Schwarzenegger and Willis’s cameo was originally supposed to be filmed at the end of September. Guess they got busy with, well, running the state and running through ‘dick’ jokes with Kevin Smith, respectively.

Looking forward to this one about as much as I am sleep tonight (I’m serious – – I’m dead tired!).

Reitman returns for Ghostbusters 3

Ong Bak 2