Charlie and the Chocolate Factory trailer online

If you’ve been out for a jog or just based down under at the moment, no doubt you’ve got a stream of sweat dripping down the front of your cranium.

Let’s have a break from reading ‘text’ for a while and check out some visual goodies floating about the web right now.

First up, Aint it Cool is pointing in the direction of the trailer for the highly anticipated, "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" here. No mention of Gene Wilder’s cameo as the peanut brittle tree trunk though.

I checked out the trailer for "XXX : State of the Union" yesterday, and gotta say, it doesn’t look bad. If the Vin Diesel original was filmed from a 26 page script, then this is atleast using the stencil of a 50 pager. Yep, more story by the looks of the elongated trailer. Have a looksee.

Superhero Hype have let us know that they’ve got a new image up from the forthcoming "Fantastic Four" flick. Unfortunately it isn’t a cut scene of Sue Storm straddling a dancing pole.

Everything about "Batman Begins" is looking glitzier than gold. And to cap it off, here’s the international teaser poster.

Thanks to ‘Eric’, ‘Mirko’

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