Charlize Theron to play an amputee in Fury Road

Charlize Theron’s character in “Mad Max Fury Road” will be an amputee, an article on the ABC website reveals.

Aussie swimmer Annabelle Williams, who won bronze at the 2008 Paralympics and 2006 Commonwealth Games, tells the site she’ll be Theron’s stunt double.

Seems Theron’s character in the George Miller directed blockbuster with be without some of her left arm – just like Williams.

“I got a phone call from one of the people at [the production company] and they said it’s got a $200 million budget. My mum was sitting there and we were just like ‘What?'”

“Then they said that the lead actress was Charlize Theron and I nearly died.

“And then I thought to myself the resemblance (between Theron and myself) is striking.

She laughed, adding: “Not at all. And she’s about a foot taller than me.”

In the film, Theron’s character will have part of one arm missing. Williams will fill in for the Academy Award-winner during a fight scene.

“They are going to film me from a very long distance for the fighting so that they don’t have to CGI out her arm. I will be her, but just not [in] the face.”

Williams, currently competing at the Delhi Games, says she’s been “training for about six months with a guy who was in the SAS and trains the military and things…It’s actually quite confronting to have someone launch at you with the intent to hurt you.”

“Mad Max Fury Road”, starring Tom Hardy in the title role, films shortly.

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