
Clint’s Top 10 of 2009

It’s always difficult putting together a top ten list for the year.

I’ve been doing these lists for what, twelve years or so now (which is how long Moviehole has been running – I actually had really dark hair, no wrinkles, and got around in ‘Stussy’ when this thing first started – and I’ve always found it tougher than Renee Zellweger’s new-and-improved face to write them up… for numerous reasons :

1. There may be a lot of great films out in one given year, and it’s difficult to recognize which you enjoyed the most

2. There could be a lack of great films out in one given year (I remember 2006 being a pretty substandard year), thus finding ten films you enjoyed is not an easy task

3. In my case, I see a lot of films overseas, so I’m constantly trying to remember what came out when and where (for instance, “The Brother’s Bloom” I saw in 2008, so I’ve considered that one of last year’s films) so as not to include something that might have been technically released the year before, or scheduled to open the year after; and last but not least

4. I loathe e-arguments (my ‘F’ key is pretty worn), which is likely what’ll I get when the Twi-Hards realize “New Moon” has been left off the list, and Roy Disney doesn’t spot “Up” amongst the top ten. But strap ’em on Drago, I’ll see you on the other side of the rope!

But for all that’s said and done, this is my list (what I liked, what I enjoyed, what I got damp over, what I recommended the ‘postie’ see with his wife) and, like a Rum-induced Burp, it feels good to get it out!

”for a film that’s been pulled and tugged more times than Paul Reubens at a Porn Theater, ‘’Fanboys” plays nearly perfect” [Read Full Review]

”It’s probably a given that a former radio announcer like myself was always going to enjoy a film that studies the wacky early wireless activities of the LBJ-era but had I never cued a record in my life I’m almost positive I’d still go gaga for this divine flick” [Read Full Review]

”Orci and Kurtzman’s script – though the third-act isn’t as strong as it possibly could’ve been; the final battle between good and evil seemed a bit rushed – is a proficient piece of work.” []

“Zack Snyder’s visually orgasmic film might just be the best-written, best-performed and most meaningful superhero movie ever made” [Full Review]

“District 9 is an exciting, exceedingly entertaining science-fiction thriller that’s part E.T, part Independence Day, and a little RoboCop” [Clint’s review Coming]

”If “(500) Days of Summer” were a CD, you’d love every one of its beats – the slow tune, the fast tune, the sad tune, the cheerful tune, the acoustic bonus track… the rousing instrumental!” [Full Review]

”With a heart-warming, emotion-drenched screenplay by Mottola, “Adventureland” is a real winner” [Full Review]

“Though she’s given us some of the most entertaining popcorn flicks of the past couple of decades, Bigelow now graduates from dessert to the main meal!” [Clint’s Review Coming]

“A watertight masterpiece. It’s truly one of the funnest and most frightening pictures in years; I personally can’t recall having this much fun at the cinema. And if you don’t feel the same way – you might want to pay a visit to the mortuary – you could’ve passed away in your sleep.” [Full Review]

”I don’t know whether it’s because I’d just been pink-slipped myself (The company I’d been working for for ten years had just gone into receivership, so we were all laid off. Man, what a shock to the system, thatwas! I had such an appreciation for those in the movie that were ‘let go’ and now how to figure out how they were going to support their families. Fortunately for me, I wound up at another company, but a lot of people – like those in the film – aren’t so lucky) or because it’s simply a terrific movie, but one thing’s for sure director Jason Reitman’s “Up in the Air” sure did strike a chord with me. It’s a gorgeous movie, in fact.” [Clint’s Review Coming]

Honorable Mentions : Inglourious Basterds, Zombieland, An Education, Avatar, My Bloody Valentine 3D, The Last House on the Left, Trick R’ Treat, Away We Go, Moon, Complacent (sorry! couldn’t help myself), The Cove, In The Shadows, Transformers 2 : Revenge of the Fallen (Now you now I’m drinking, right!? This one should be on the other list! Come watch a once-promising franchise turn into a turd : chi, choo, chooch, cha)

Caffeinated Clint : Cop Out

Perry making Dirty Pictures