
Comic Con 09 : New Moon Panel

They Came. They Saw. Then they, er, came a little more.

Talking, of course, about the hundreds of kids (and, if my wife is anything to go by, 30-year-old mothers) that camped outside the San Diego Convention Center’s Hall H last night – and the night before – waiting to get into the “New Moon” panel. Jesus, I just hope the mosquito bites to the cheeks and waywardly drunk-guy advances didn’t sting too much. Looking at the attendance of today’s panel – didn’t seem to put many off, anyway.

Besides the two scenes that were shown (Jacob comes to Bella’s rescue after she falls off her bike – that’s what she gets for hallucinating about Edward while riding!; the other scene was set in Italy, and fixed on Bella and Edward), cast members Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Ashley Greene, Taylor Lautner & director Chris Weitz, had a fair bit of stuff to say…

– Kristen Stewart squirmed (what’s new?) when asked about the chemistry between her and co-star Robert Pattinson.

– Taylor Lautner said he’s getting a little tired of people asking him to “growl” for them. He also mentioned how hard he trained physically for the role. “The most challenging for me was physically, so I had a lot of hard work cut out for me after filming ‘Twilight.’ I worked really hard to transform Jacob’s body so I could portray him correctly for all you guys. And I hope you guys are pleased when you see the results.”

– Kristen Stewart said she can’t “wait to actually get pregnant” – as Bella, of course! (and mocking those tabloid articles that suggested she was having Robert Pattinson’s baby)

– Robert Pattinson said he’d be up for more comedic roles in the future

– Lautner will speak a line of dialogue in Quiluete, the Native American tribe on which the werewolf characters in the books are based. “I’m excited for you guys to hear it,” Lautner said. “It’s kind of fun.”

– Ashley Greene said she’s most looking forward to working with David Slade – who is directing “Eclipse”.

Wan directing Castlevania

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