
Dark Knight set visit

Here’s a tease; the rest will be up in 2008

New Moviehole recruit ‘Charley Bowdre’ was flown to the set of “The Dark Knight” this week – on the Batwing, I hear – and got to chat with the folks behind the Batty blockbuster. The full report will be up closer to the film’s release, but for the meantime, here’s a tease:

Firstly, a bit on the “Justice League” movie – which neither Christian Bale (Batman) or director Christopher Nolan will be a part of.

Charley Bowdre: What do you make of the announcement to the Justice League movie and seeing as it features Batman, will it affect your own Bat Universe?

Chris Nolan: Truly.. I don’t know anything about it and I’m just making my own film and that’s what matters.

And will there be more Batman movies after this one?

Is anyone else contracted to a third movie?

Chuck Roven (Producer): I believe Christian is contracted to a third and er.. Gary.. Gary Oldman. I don’t know if anyone else is.. I can tell you Batman is going to Hong Kong, where we’re filming and that’ll be the first time Batman’s left Gotham. And Gotham..Gotham look and feels like Gotham. The skyline.. Gotham.

Charley Bowdre: Is there anything significant about the skyline of Gotham, because for some reason Joel Schumacher whacked in the Statue of Liberty and it’s like.. Is this New York or Gotham?

Chuck Roven: Ha. Yeah.. er. No, it’s Gotham. It’s a thriving metropolis. The mono rail is back in there and that’s looking good.

That’s our tease. Next year you’ll get the full low-down.

(by the way, we’ve got it on good authority that a new ‘Joker’-heavy trailer will be out in December – attached to “I am Legend” but possibly only in IMAX)

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