
David Carradine (1936-2009)

I’ve had a real sock-in-the-guts kinda day, so I might be a little quieter than usual (the crowds go wild!), but couldn’t let the day pass without mentioning the sad passing of the great David Carradine.

This is going to be a bit all over the place…. What a shock – what a fucking shock! I didn’t expect to wake up to this this morning… who does, I suppose…. it’s always a shock when any well-known actor dies, but even more so when it’s someone you’ve grown up watching – as was the case with Carradine.

I don’t want to get into how he died, nor tackle the reasons why, but I will say it’s a sad, sad thing to have Carradine ride a cloud. I’m crushed. The man was a legend. From “Kung Fu” to “Death Race 2000” and ultimately “Kill Bill”, it’s a real punch in the head to know he’s gone. He had so much more left in him – in fact, I’m currently working as one of the sales agents on one of Carradine’s final films “Break”. He’s great in it. It almost seems wrong to be flogging the title, but life goes on I suppose – and Carradine, who couldn’t/shouldn’t be ashamed of his bravura work, would likely want it seen. I guess. Yeah… but I digress, Carradine was a very talented performer – sad that it probably took “Kill Bill Vol. 2” for most to realize it, but at the same time, thank god he got a such a juicy, showy role before he left us. Tarantino must be as sad as an institutionalized Indian today (Rob Schneider is going to be pretty gutted about this too. Say what you will about “Big Stan”, but Schneider adored working with the man on the film. They became quite good friends too, even discussing a possible sequel in recent times).

And to think the long-gestating but looming “Kung Fu” movie won’t feature a cameo by Carradine… will hardly be worth watching, let alone making.

I believe Weeksy’s going to write up a small dedication to Carradine in the next hour or so…

Rest in Peace DC.

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