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DVD Interview : David Lancaster

Clint Morris talks to David Lancaster, the producer of ‘Starship Troopers 3 : Marauder”, hitting DVD this month.

When did you decide to do ”Starship Troopers 3”?

It was 2.5 years ago when the studio approached me with a 140 page script that was basically undoable with the budget they were contemplating. We went to work on the script and came up with a shooting and vsfx plan. It took a year to get it into a manageable state.

Was it always the plan to try and get Casper Van Dien Back as Johnny Rico?


The second film wasn’t as well received as the first. Did you consciously skip over the events of that one?

Yes, the second film was a horrible film. We wanted to get back to the humour and fun of the first.

Was the studio ever reluctant to have Ed Neumeier direct?

A studio is always reluctant to have a first timer, rightfully so – and especially with a vsfx heavy piece. But we worked through it with their support, and Ed did a great job.

Any budget limitations this time around?

Tremendous. This one was done for less than a tenth of the original!

Was there a conversation with Paul Verhoeven before starting the project – if even just out of interest to see what he thinks of the new script?

Paul and Ed are very close and Paul was very helpful throughout.

How did you decide on Jolene Blalock as the female lead?

Lots of auditions, but she seemed right as soon as saw her.

Did you visit the set. Africa, right?

Oh yes. I have made 8 films in Africa now. I love it there.

How is ”Legion” going? Tyrese, Dennis Quaid… great cast!

Going great! Super Cast! Great Story! Fingers crossed!

”Starship Troopers 4” possibilities?

I’m too exhausted from [this one] to think about a four yet, but I love the world and I think it serves as a wonderful parable for our times now.

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