
Die Hard villain joins Man on a Ledge

The always great WIlliam Sadler, best known to avid TV viewers as Sheriff Jim Valenti on “Roswell” and to film buffs as either ‘The Grim Reaper’ in “Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey” or airplane-crashing bad guy Col.Stuart in “Die Hard 2 : Die Harder”, has joined the cast of the new Edward Norton/Sam Worthington film “Man on a Ledge”.

Sadler revealed the news in an interview with Movie Mikes, saying he’s currently shooting his part in New York City.

“Man on a Ledge”, directed by Asger Leth, tells of an ex-cop turned con who threatens to jump to his death from a Manhattan hotel rooftop. The NYPD dispatch a female police psychologist to talk him down. However, unbeknownst to the police on the scene, the suicide attempt is a cover for the biggest diamond heist ever pulled.

In addition to Worthington and Norton the cast includes Elizabeth Banks, Ed Harris, Jamie Bell, Edward Burns, Kyra Sedgwick, Anthony Mackie and Geoffrey Cantor.

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