Farrell enters The Crowded Room?

Guess who’s in talks for Joel Schumacher’s next film?

It’s a shocker. An absolute shocker. You’ll never guess. OK,…Colin Farrell.

Yeah, about as stunned as a 5 year old at an automobile fair here too.

Of course Farrell’s on top of Schumacher’s wish list. Schumacher goes to CF for everything. And why not, Colin probably feels somewhat loyal to the Director, having bought him to the states with "Tigerland", and Schumacher’s such a so-so director these days that he needs all the big gun help he can get.

The film? "The Crowded Room". The character? Billy Milligan, a guy with 24 distinct personalities, constantly battling for supremacy over his body – a battle that culminated when he awoke in jail, arrested for the kidnap and rape of three women.

Schumacher told Cinema Confidential that if his and Farrell’s schedules can be aligned, it’s almost a certainty to happen.

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