
Fourth Girl with the Dragon Tattoo coming 2015

Moviehole’s own Mikael Blomqvist here (where art thou my Lisbeth Salander!? geez, that’s just inviting creepy emails isn’t it!?),

We’ll all be nothing but ‘Futurama’-esque boxed-heads by the time Sony gets around to doing a sequel to it’s English-language remake (if they ever do; personally, I think Culver City has abandoned all plans to redo the remaining two chapters in the series in Yankee drawl), but at least the trees have promised us some more Lisbeth Salander – and ideally, sooner.

And for all y’all romantics out there – yep, you, me and ‘Duckie’ from “Pretty in Pink” – this next Salander offering might even encompass the happy ending we’ve been waiting for for the determined frightmare and her journalist beau. Or is that just me… hoping. Nothing like a happy ending.

Norstedts, the publisher of Stieg Larson’s “Dragon Tattoo” trilogy, announced Tuesday that it’s hired to write David Lagercrantz (nothing like a tall cold glass of Lagercrantz, I tell you!) a fourth book in the controversial money-magnet of a series. That book will reunite Salander and Mikael Blomqvist. This new book reportedly includes nothing from the fourth book that Larson was writing when he died. Still, I predict alcohol, sex, mood swings and a Mohawk may make a reprise.

“The Girl with the Dragon named Smaug”… or whatever they call it.. is due out August, 2015. Amazon will no doubt be taking pre-orders by the 1st of January, 2014.


as one of the few fans of the U.S remake, I sense an urge to push onto the public this kick-ass opener again…

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