
Hawkman movie?

Is the Nth-Metalled Superhero, Hawkman, the next DC comics’ character to get the big screen treatment? (He’s already getting the ‘small screen treatment’ appearing in episodes of “Smallville” next February).

Pajiba reports that before Warner Bros even considers re-opening the Kent Farm, and before they even attempt to resuscitate the long-gestating Wonder Woman (which has been in development hell longer than, well, “Justice League”), they’re likely to introduce cinemagoers to one Carter Hall.

In the “Hawkman” comics (the original batch) murdered Egyptian Prince Khufu is reincarnated as American archaeologist Carter Hall. Using the properties of “Nth metal” to craft a gravity-defying belt, Hall creates wings and a costume to become the first Hawkman.

The character of Hawkman has appeared in quite a few of the Saturday Morning Cartoons – predominantly, “Super Friends” and “Justice League Unlimited”.

Warners, who says the new film will be ‘’part Indiana Jones, part Da Vinci Code and part Ghost’’ (what!?), is hoping to spawn a new franchise (not that it means anything in this day-and-age – they’d have sequelized “Young Victoria” if it had made a buck, too!) here.

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