Hugh Jackman in Boy from Oz movie?

Hugh Jackman might finally get the chance to do that big-time Hollywood musical he’s been wanting to do ever since his plane arrived at LAX.

Dark Horizons reports that the "Van Helsing" star could be bringing his applauded musical "The Boy from Oz" to the big screen.

The following appeared in the Q & A section of Parade magazine, says the site.

Q: Any chance that Hugh Jackman will do a film version of THE BOY FROM OZ …?
A: More than just a chance. The producers tell us they wouldn’t dream of doing an OZ film without the multi-talented Jackman".

For the uninitiated, "The Boy from Oz" tells the story of late entertainer/songwriter Peter Allen, who was a protege of Judy Garland and was briefly married to Liza Minnelli. Jackman has won raves for his performance.

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